After centuries of using fossil fuels, humanity finally realized that we need to make a quick switch to renewable energy if we are to survive on this planet. Look around; the evidence of global warming is all over. Sea levels are rising, ocean temperatures are increasing, and glaciers are melting.
Luckily for us, technological advancements have developed efficient ways of harnessing clean energy to preserve the planet. These new techniques are efficient and powerful enough to meet most of our energy needs.
Moreover, governments are running programs that provide tax breaks and credits to make the switch more affordable for homeowners.
Read on to find out some of the viable options for your home and the benefits they bring.
Rooftop Solar Panels
Solar panels are used to harness the abundant energy from the sun. The panels capture this energy and transform it into electricity before it is stored in batteries. The electricity generated during the day is usually enough to meet the daily needs of a household. Solar panels can also generate electricity even when the sun is not bright. However, the brighter the sun, the more power they produce.
That said, the performance of this system is usually determined by the type, size, and installation of the panel. There are many types of solar panels. However, the folks at report that monocrystalline and polycrystalline are the most popular options for residential uses. Although their performance is almost similar, monocrystalline panels are slightly better in terms of efficiency. Sadly, they also tend to be more costly.
The size of panels, or rather, the size of roof you can spare for solar panels, also affects the amount of energy you can generate. You’ll get more energy if you can fit more panels. Don’t worry if your roof is too small, though. You can still produce decent energy from a few efficient panels.
The direction your panels face also affects energy production. Experts recommend installing the panels in a way that exposes them to direct sunlight for as long as possible. Besides the obvious benefits to the environment and your home, solar energy also attracts financial benefits. Countries like the US and Australia give homeowners rebates and incentives to make the switch.
Solar Water Heating Systems
Solar water heating systems are great options for individuals interested in reducing gas and electricity bills without breaking the bank. These systems are much cheaper than rooftop panels. Their functionality is limited to heating a water reserve, but they’re nonetheless useful. They can heat your faucets, showerheads, etc.
There are five types of water heaters. The performance between them varies greatly. Pick a unit that aligns with your unique needs.
Wind Turbines
Wind turbines come with some limitations. As you can guess, turbines require huge tracts of open land to generate electricity. It’s rare to have such real estate in a residential area. There are some smaller turbines, though. These are designed to fit and function in a limited space. Some can even be attached to your property. Smaller turbines won’t generate a lot of energy, but they’ll definitely reduce your utility bills.
Biomass Systems
Biomass energy has been used for centuries. The systems break down organic materials to produce electricity. Some of the most commonly used organic materials are agricultural waste materials, wood pellets, logs, and chips, animal waste, biogenic materials, and even human sewage. The organic wastes are broken down through processes like chemical or thermochemical conversion and direct combustion.
Is biomass clean energy, though? The truth is that the direct combustion of materials like wood does emit some carbon. However, the emission is the exact amount of carbon that the plant absorbed during its lifetime. Therefore, it is sustainable energy provided we continue planting more trees.
Biomass boiler systems may also qualify for government incentives.
Solar Air Conditioning
Electric AC consumes so much energy. In fact, most reports agree that air conditioners consume the most power in many households. A solar AC can cut down your overall energy consumption dramatically. And if you choose the right solution, you might eliminate cooling expenses for good.
There are several types of solar air conditioners on the market. Do your research and pick the system that is right for your area and needs. You can also consult the experts to find a suitable solution.
Clean energy is the future, and we all have a role to play. Don’t leave the burden of conserving the planet to big industries and corporations. Your home can make a significant difference with the above options.
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