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  10 Essential Home Cleaning Tips for a Healthier Living Space

A clean and healthy living space not only brings a lot of visual appeal to your home, but it also has many physical and mental health benefits. You can feel more at peace and have a welcoming and relaxing approach to your interior living space when your home is clean, organized, and overall comfortable to be in.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life raising a family, working, going to school, and just dealing with everyday routines, it can be hard to even think about housework, let alone regular key cleaning needs that help make a home more functional. However, utilizing professional cleaning services, along with incorporating some small changes in your home routine, can help you keep your living space tidy without a lot of effort. Here are 10 essential home cleaning tips for a healthier living space you can start doing right away.

  Hire Professional Assistance Based On Your Location Needs

Did you know that every property has different cleaning needs based on where it’s located? For example, if you live in Hawaii, your cleaning needs will revolve largely around keeping your home from being too humid and ensuring you don’t have lots of mold and mildew pileup. Your cleaning professional will work on mold remediation and help you manage humidity levels to keep your property clean and fresh.

However, if you live in Kansas for example, your weather is more temperate and even and you don’t have humidity to worry about as much. However, the dry weather can cause you to have to worry more about pollen and dander in your home, which means you’d want to hire janitorial services in Kansas City and other nearby areas to vacuum your carpets and sweep hard floors to keep these irritants at bay. Hiring professional assistance based on your location needs will help you combat Mother Nature.

  Make Your Bed Every Day

Starting your day off by making your bed helps you create a positive mindset and feel in control over how your home looks. Making your bed is such a simple, minor task, but is a major accomplishment that you can feel proud of daily.

  Choose One Major Chore A Week

A major chore is a chore you don’t do regularly, like wiping down walls, cleaning out the garbage can, or organizing the closet. Choose one of these major chores to focus on every week so they can be accomplished along with your regular daily chores (like doing dishes or vacuuming) and not add up and become burdensome over time.

  Always Put Things Where They Go

If you put the scissors away in the junk drawer instead of on the counter, place mail in the mail bin and not the top of your dresser, and put your socks in the sock basket and not the floor, your home will not get as cluttered. Put things where they go, not where they are convenient.

  Clean Out The Fridge With Every Major Shopping Trip

Every time you stock up on groceries for the month or however often you do major shopping, clean out your fridge first (or have your cleaning company come over and do it for you). This not only gives you plenty of space for new produce, it gives you an idea of what items you need. It’s a great way to avoid having three ketchup bottles in your fridge!

  Declutter One Room At A Time

It can be overwhelming to try to tackle a cluttered home all at once. Declutter one room at a time instead. Start with a single room that may be easier to declutter, such as a pantry space or a guest bathroom. Here are some decluttering tips to consider:

These decluttering tips may take some time to get used to, but once they become a habit, you’ll find decluttering easy to do.

  Invest in Some Plants

Investing in plants, such as a snake plant or a fern, can be a great way to clean up your living space by making the air more inviting and by bringing nature inside. If you’re cleaning up your home so you can place it on the market, plants can especially be a cost-effective way to quickly make your living space feel and look healthier and more inviting. Place plants in every room of the home to bring cohesion to your living space.

  Vacuum Or Sweep Daily

Daily sweeping and vacuuming can not only make your home healthier and more clean-feeling, but they can also help you extend the lifespan of your flooring. Regular floor care will help you maintain your flooring for as long as its useful life allows, which protects your investment.

  Do A Linen Cleaning

Your linen should be cleaned professionally a few times a year. Linen includes bedding and curtains and may even include tablecloths and other fabrics. You’d be surprised how much odors get stuck in linen you don’t often think about.

  Air Out Your Home

Ventilation is key to keeping your home well-circulated and to keep odors and irritants in the air at bay. Either have your ducts cleaned so you can operate heaters and AC units safely and keep air pure, or open windows in stuffy rooms now and again to keep a healthy airflow going.

  Get Started On Your Clean Home

A clean home is not difficult to achieve when you incorporate the assistance of professionals as well as small changes. Choose the cleaning tips that work best for your needs and make them part of your routine today.

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