Household Plants That Need A Little Extra Care

Indoor plants should be an integral part of every interior design scheme. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and is considered to improve one’s mood. They’re also common because they’re simple to maintain, have health benefits, and can be used in several indoor decor themes.

Houseplants were found to be a promising alternative for eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air in a NASA study published in 1989. For years, people have chosen particular house plant species to believe that they can purify the air in their homes. Continue reading to learn about some easy-to-care-for houseplants that also have other benefits.


Spider Plant

These plants develop a rosette of solid green or white variegated long, thin, arched foliage. Spider plants are easy-to-grow houseplants that look great in a hanging basket and popular in Victorian-era homes.

Water spider plants once in a while to help them develop. Water moderately once the plant is fully grown. Keep the soil moist during the spring and summer months to promote development. Allowing the soil to dry out too soon is not a good idea. Maintain a constant temperature in the room. In the spring and summer, fertilize up to twice a month; however, prevent overfertilization. 


Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

The split leaves of the green leafy plant give it the appearance of a Monstera deliciosa or a kind of Philodendron. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is commonly misidentified as a Mini monstera, Ginny philodendron, or Philodendron Piccolo. Although it belongs to the Araceae family, it is not related to monsteras or philodendrons.

Indoors, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plants are simple to maintain. They don’t get as significant as other Monsterasor Swiss cheese plants because of their compact nature. However, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma care is simple because it only requires bright, indirect sunlight. Plant in a potting soil mix that drains well. Fertilize it with a balanced fertilizer once a month. 


Tradescantia Zebrina

Wandering Jew is the common name for Tradescantia Zebrina. The spiderwort family’s variegated foliage makes it a common houseplant. The plant is extremely hardy and can grow in almost any indoor environment. This tender perennial native to southern Mexico and Guatemala can be cultivated as an annual in colder climates or as an outdoor perennial in milder temperatures.

To promote more robust, compact growth and preserve the beautiful coloration in the foliage, position these plants directly in front of a window. Indoors, some direct sunlight is beneficial. Tradescantia Zebrina prefers warmer growing conditions, with temperatures in the 65-80F range being optimal. Try to avoid situations below 55F if at all possible. 



Even if you’re someone who forgets to water your plants regularly, pothos is arguably one of the easiest houseplants to develop. The pointed, heart-shaped green leaves of this trailing vine, native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, are often variegated with white, yellow, or pale green striations.

Pothos plants are relatively easy to care for, and they tolerate neglect and less-than-ideal growing conditions. Furthermore, pothos is usually pest-free. They may, however, become infested with mealybugs on occasion. They can be killed with insecticidal soap, but the simplest way is to dab them with an alcohol-soaked cotton swab.


Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are evergreen tropical plants that grow on the forest floor, where they get dappled sunshine and plenty of water. The trick to having your peace lily to be happy and safe is replicating these conditions at home.

Peace lilies produce white to off-white flowers beginning in early summer if given enough light and will bloom all year if given the right conditions. These houseplant varieties can reach a height of 16 inches, but larger outdoor cultivars can reach a height of 6 feet. Since peace lilies are not cold-hardy, they can only be cultivated in mild, humid climates outdoors. And you may need the best folding shovel when you go camping.


Red Aglaonema

The red “Siam Aurora” is a cultivar of the Aglaonema genus of flowering tropical plants. These plants are evergreen plant species that can be found in Asia’s tropical and subtropical forests. Aglaonema species thrive in wet, humid, shady environments in their natural habitat.

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This plant not only has lovely, bright pink stems and leaves, but it’s also effortless to care for. It can grow in low, moderate, or bright light, but it will produce more color when grown in medium light. It’s a forgiving vine, so don’t worry if you forget to water it now and then. 


Plants in the home are not only attractive, but they are also beneficial to your wellbeing. Indoor plants have been shown in studies to relieve stress and improve mood. So get in there and freshen up the air while removing dangerous chemicals with easy-to-care-for houseplants.


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