Pre-installed appliances exponentially increase the value and asking price of a home. However, you might not realize that the machines you paid for are not fully functional until it is too late. This is why before buying a home, you need to inspect the condition of any pre-installed systems or appliances. This will help you negotiate for the right price, and find out whether you will have to replace these appliances or not. Each appliance is examined differently before being deemed usable, and most buyers actually hire an inspector to assess the condition of each appliance. In case you want to do it yourself, here’s how you can inspect pre-installed appliances when buying a new house.
If the home you consider buying comes with a refrigerator, then you need to check how well it cools food. To get a better idea of its condition, take your time looking at both the exterior and interior of the appliance for any dents. You will also want to check each shelf for any defaults that may affect future use of the fridge. You can find out if there were past water leaks by examining the bottom and back of the refrigerator.
It is important to be careful when checking a pre-installed oven, especially if it is a gas oven rather than an electric one. In fact, people often hire a professional to check whether an oven is functional and that there are no leaks or issues with the gas line connected to it. It is much safer to have a professional take a look before buying the house to avoid dealing with gas leaks or accidental explosions. You can also check whether an oven has an accurate temperature setting by using a simple oven thermometer.
HVAC System
Many houses nowadays come with a pre-installed HVAC system. This system adds a lot of value to a home if it is fully functional. Checking the cooling and heating functions is necessary before signing the contract. You might also want to check whether the ventilation is working and that air is being circulated properly throughout the house. The air filters are another aspect that you need to check because they ensure that the air in your home is pure and free of dust, pet dander, or other pollutants. Usually, neglecting these filters can affect how your AC or heating system functions. The professionals state that having proper air filters installed can actually reduce the electricity costs, which is going to save you a lot of money in the long run. Finding out how well the system is functioning is key to knowing whether or not it has been properly maintained over the years and ensuring it doesn’t need replacement or costly repairs.
Many houses nowadays come with a pre-installed HVAC system. This system adds a lot of value to a home if it is fully functional. Checking the cooling and heating functions is necessary before signing the contract. Incorporating HVAC service software enables effective scheduling, dispatching and maintenance operations for these systems, further ensuring their seamless functionality over time. This also protects from unexpected costs due to maintenance issues.
Water Filtration System
Using water that is unsafe can cause diseases as well as damage appliances that use water, such as a washing machine, coffee machine, or dishwasher. When looking at a potential house to buy, it is important to find out whether there is a water filter installed or not, and if it has one installed, what type and how old it is. This will give you an idea of whether water pipes going through the house are in good condition or not. It will also ensure that you can drink the tap water, or only use it for cooking, and washing.
Air Purifier
If the previous house owner had an air purifier, then you need to check whether its filters are in good condition or not. You might need to check how much power it uses as well so that you can get an idea of how it will affect your electricity bill. An air purifier is great if there is no HVAC system in place because it ensures that there are no pollutants in the air. This is helpful for those who have dust or pollen allergies.
Another appliance that could be pre-installed is a dishwasher. To inspect it, you will need to examine its connection to the water supply. You can try it out to ensure that it is filling up with water properly and draining it away when it is done without leaking dirty water all over your floors. An appliance inspector will probably examine if there are any blockages that may affect the dishwasher’s function.
Washing Machine
Just like the dishwasher, a washing machine will have to be inspected to ensure that it is getting a proper water supply and does not have a build-up of minerals because of unfiltered water or any leakage. A professional inspector will check if the water heats up properly when you set the machine to a hot cycle.
These seven appliances are the most commonly pre-installed ones, and with these tips in mind, you should now know what to look for to ensure they are in good working condition. On paper, it may seem like having pre-installed appliances is a great advantage. However, if these appliances do not work properly, you will be spending a lot of money trying to get them repaired, or you might have to purchase new ones alltogether if they are a lost cause. Inspecting appliances before agreeing on a price is going to help you avoid such issues.
Also, discover the 10 Most Common Repairs Needed After a Home Inspection
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