If you want to save a great deal of time and especially the money then you can be your own real estate agent. Yes, you can DIY some realtor work first-hand. Here’s a list of things you can do-it-yourself instead of your realtor and see how it works for your home you want to sell:
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Tips for Remodeling Your Laundry Room
For many of us, our home is a sanctuary from the outside world, a castle. We spend a lot of time on making our…
DIY Scandinavian Christmas Decorations
Danish culture seems to be slowly but surely seeping into our housing design and decor choices. Honestly, I’m!-->!-->!-->…
How to Keep Wild Animals Away from Your Yard
Wild animals can target your garden in search of food. Despite fencing your garden, small animals such as rabbits,…
How to Deal with Bed Bugs at Your Rental Property
If you’re wondering how to efficiently deal with these bugs at your rental property, here are a few practical and…
Home Photos to Upgrade Your Property Listing
Home photos can make or break your first impression to a prospect. Make sure you know your home's best angels. When…
Real Estate Myths Debunked
A generation ago, the real estate model looked very different, where most people were dependent on real estate…
Do 360 property photos with these remarkable new cameras!
Have you heard about the newest, coolest 360 cameras on the market?
Cameras that seem like they were specifically…
DIY Interior Design: Beycome Your Own Designer!
Interior decorators and designers as we know them today barely existed before the 20th century. Before that it was…
Kitchen Remodeling: Pimp it Out
Kitchen remodeling is notorious for being expensive, but not all projects have to break the piggy bank.