The Flat Fee MLS is a service provided by real estate companies and some property listing platforms to help property owners – who are interested in selling or renting their house – gain more exposure for their home. The MLS is used by a group of real estate brokers who band together to create an MLS® that allows each of them to see one another’s listings and properties that are up for sale or for rent. It is accessible by brokers for brokers and real estate agents. It provides the most accurate information on whether a house is still listed as active or if it’s under contract, pending, closed, photos, contact information, etc.
Having said all of this, the answer is a big YES! The MLS used by Realtors® and real estate brokers/agents alike is the same one accessed and used and provided by beycome.
All participating MLS REALTORS® belong to their regional association of REALTORS®. So, your property will be listed in your county’s MLS® where all the other agents will be able to see and contact you to receive more information in regards the property or to schedule a showing.
Keep in mind that this is the highest step you can reach in online exposure. Once your property is listed on the MLS®, you will be receiving the maximum exposure possible and beycome can list our Florida homeowners, starting at just $9.
We should also add that by listing with beycome your flat fee will last you until your home is under contract (NOT like those other flat fee MLS listing services that ask for payment every 6 months).
So, in closing:
Maximum Exposure + Super Affordable Price + Listed Until Your Home is Under Contact = WHY NOT?!
* For more information on our Flat Fee MLS for Florida homeowners, please visit: