$177.6 M
In commissions saved
Properties closed
Every 30 min
One of our property is sold
Amplify & multiply your exposure
Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, Hotpads, REAL, Homes.com, Movoto, Coldwell banker, Apartments.com, MLS.com, IDX and thousands more! Increase your exposure by targeting the 150 million+ monthly visitors they generate.
*Rental listings added through MLS will no longer appear on the Zillow Rentals network ( Zillow, Trulia, Hotpads).
No agent? No commission!
Close by yourself without an agent, & pay zero commission. We provide you with legal forms and expert real estate support.
Professional pictures
Prospects spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos. We allow the maximum authorized by the MLS.
Unlimited: time, change, support
We list your home until it closes with unlimited changes to price, pictures or description. Our real estate specialist is available when you are.
Basic Package
one time flat fee
Available in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
Enhanced Package
one time flat fee
Available in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
*Except Georgia MLS: This MLS request a mandatory $25 cancelation fee.
Serious savings
Save an average of $12,420 in commissions when selling a home .
Better Price
Sell your home for more money. Ever hear of a sale-to-list-ratio? We're at 96.5%.
Cut commission
Pay 0% seller agent commission fees. Close directly without an agent, and pay zero commission.
Fast closing
Close faster. beycome users typically close 21 days earlier than the industry average.
What is the MLS©?
The MLS© , Multiple Listing Service, is used by licensed brokers and realtors to list and search for properties on their own database. Every area has its own MLS© platform. In fact, there are over 600 across the United States. beycome currently covers Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
Where is my property going to be featured?
Your property will be syndicated to over 100 websites including: Realtor.com©, Zillow©, Trulia©, Hotpads©, REAL, Homes.com©, Movoto©, Coldwell banker©, Apartments.com©, Century 21©, Redfin©, and more! Your listing won't be hidden in FSBO category.
How many pictures and videos can I add to my listing?
We do not have limitation in number of pictures but regional MLS have most often a limit. Usually MLS allows up to 24 to 36 pictures and a video. We accepts only original.
Is the MLS that beycome and real estate agents use the same?
Yes! The MLS that beycome uses is the same one used by real estate agents and brokers. All participating MLS real estate agents belong to their regional association, so you can rest assured that your property will be listed locally. Agents are able to view your listing and contact you.
What is the catch? Are there any additional fees?
No, there is no catch or hidden fee. Our business model works because we are handling a lot more volume than any of our competitors.
Why choose beycome over FSBO?
FSBO is an old way to sell a property. It requires a lot of legal work so are more risky.
Another caveats is that listings are not visible by default on websites like Zillow and you mostly get called by other real estate agents.
How long does it take to be listed on the MLS with beycome?
Once we receive all the information required to list your property on the MLS, please allow 1 business day to 36 hours to process your request.
How long does my Flat Fee MLS listing last?
For a maximum of 2 years, or sooner if you choose to cancel the service. There are no recurring fees.
Is beycome a licensed brokerage?
Yes! We are a licensed Florida real estate brokerage under licence number #BK3187552, in Alabama #000134784-0, in California CalBRE #01804683, in Connecticut REB.0792869, in Florida # BK3469487, in Georgia #396707, in Illinois #481.013794, in Indiana #52400096, in Minnesota #40493701, in Michigan # 6505432904, in North Carolina #C32682, in South Carolina #116486, in Texas TREC #9012216
How do I receive the leads generated by the MLS?
We list your contact information in the broker/real estate remarks section (a section visible only to individuals with access to the MLS – typically real estate brokers or agents). When we are contacted about your property, we immediately relay that information to you (and we provide the interested home buyer or renter with your contact information) by email and from your beycome dashboard so that you can close the deal directly! Think of us as your secretaries. We’re always available to make your home closing process simple and equitable. More info
Who can list on the MLS©
Individuals who are not licensed cannot list properties within the MLS (Multiple Listing Service). A property can only be listed by real estate brokers, like beycome (or real estate attorneys) who pay MLS© fees which allow them to access the MLS©. Real estate brokers are responsible for keeping MLS© listings up to date..
Is beycome for me?
beycome is for you if you don’t want to pay a percentage-based commission, live in Florida, Alabama, Illinois, California, South Carolina, Minnesota, Georgia or Rhode Island and want to save lots of money!
Why the Flat Fee MLS is needed?
The MLS© and its syndicated websites allow you to put your home in front of 150 million + monthly visitors and generate over 80% of all real estate deals. This database helps real estate agents easily find listings. Your property will be syndicated to over 100 websites including: Realtor.com©, Zillow©, Trulia©, Hotpads©, REAL, Homes.com©, Movoto©, Coldwell banker©, Apartments.com©, Century 21©, Redfin©, and more! Your listing won't be hidden in FSBO category..
Why beycome is more than traditional Flat Fee MLS?
Flat Fee MLS are simply providing publication and marketing templates where beycome is a technology platform where we automated property publications, offers, contracts, counter-offers, showings, marketing coupled with integrated services like Title, Insurance, Appraisal, Mortgage, 3D Tours, Drone video, Comparative Market Analysis, etc..