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What is Annuity?

An annuity is a type of financial product that is commonly used in retirement planning. Essentially, an annuity is an agreement between an individual (the annuitant) and an insurance company. The annuitant agrees to make a lump sum payment or a series of payments to the insurance company, and in return, the insurance company agrees to provide the annuitant with a regular stream of income over a specified period of time.

There are different types of annuities, but the most common type is a fixed annuity. With a fixed annuity, the insurance company guarantees a specific rate of return on the annuitant's investment, and the annuitant receives a fixed payment every month for the rest of their life or a predetermined period.

How is an annuity used in real estate?

Annuities can be useful in real estate planning in a number of ways. For example, if you're looking to sell a property and you're concerned about the tax implications of receiving a lump sum payment, you may be able to use an annuity to spread out your income over a longer period of time and minimize your tax liability.

Additionally, annuities can be used as a way to generate income in retirement. If you've invested in real estate throughout your life and you're looking for a way to supplement your retirement income, you may be able to use an annuity to provide yourself with a steady stream of income that's guaranteed for life.

Overall, an annuity can be a useful tool in real estate planning, but it's important to consider your individual circumstances and consult with a financial advisor to determine if an annuity is the right choice for you.