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What's an ALTA statement?

ALTA (American Land Title Association) is a national trade association representing the title insurance industry in the United States. The association is made up of more than 6,000 title insurance companies, agents, and underwriters, as well as other businesses that are involved in the real estate industry.

ALTA's main purpose is to advocate for policies and practices that support the title insurance industry and promote fairness and efficiency in the real estate market. This includes working with lawmakers and regulators to shape laws and regulations that affect the industry and providing education and resources to its members to help them navigate the ever-changing real estate landscape.

One of the main activities of ALTA is developing best practices and industry standards for title insurance and real estate transactions. This includes the ALTA's Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices, which outlines a set of standards and guidelines for title companies to follow to ensure a high level of service and customer protection.

ALTA also provides a variety of resources and services to its members, such as providing access to legal and industry experts and hosting conferences and events to connect members and discuss industry trends and issues.

It's worth noting that, title insurance policies protect buyers and lenders from potential title defects, and are most often required by lenders in the case of a purchase. These policies are issued by title insurance companies that are members of ALTA, thus the association plays an important role in the industry, as it represents the interests and promotes the standards of the companies that issue title policies.